The Easiest Way to Build a DIY Bed Frame for your Best Bedroom Update

If you’re in the market for a new bed frame, you probably feel a little overwhelmed by all the different options.You can choose between metal or wooden frames, adjustable beds, and the list goes on and on. It’s not easy to find the perfect bed frame that fits your style and budget. Low profile beds are also known as platform beds because they lack traditional head and footboards. They are perfect if your room has high ceilings, if you have limited floor space or if you want to create the illusion of more space in your bedroom. The way we see it- you DO have a few really simple and inexpensive options, so we've mapped out a few styles of DIY bed frames for you but let's compare yours vs. theirs before we continue, shall we?
BUY. vs. BUILD your own bed base, let's compare... shall we?

Building your own bed base can be quite easy but isn't always practical. But it may be the only choice for you depending on where you live and your skillset. you have a handyman or white glove service you will have to put in a little time building your own bed frame when you take it out of the box anyway- so consider the following:
TIME: Estimate 1hr.
COST: $249-699
BOTTOM LINE: If you aren't that handy... and think that building your own bed base isn't for you-see our blog on the Top 5 Bed Frames you can purchase online.
When I finished my first genuine leather hanging headboard I was so excited to take pictures and wanted a specific style of base. Sadly, I couldn't find one. So I decided to build it. There are so many options in wood and available supplies of wood and fabric the styles are endless!
TIME: 1-2 hours
COST: $197-299
BOTTOM LINE: With the little bit of research I've already done for you here- the rest should be rather easy and cost effective.
How to DIY Build a Bed Frame
You’ll need a solid bed frame to ensure the stability of your mattress. You can purchase one or DIY build your bed frame like I did. -You'll need 2x6s (3 boards per side). -Measure the width and length of your mattress, including a 1/2 inch on each side for the frame. Cut these pieces to size using a miter saw or handsaw. You can also have someone at the hardware store do this for you. -Paint or seal with polyurethane if desired. -Attach 2x6s to the top and bottom of your bed frame using screws or bolts. -Cut slats to size and attach them to the 2x6s with screws, making sure there is an even amount on both sides of your bed frame. -Attach slats by placing them over one beam, then resting it on the next beam and screwing in place from the other side.
Use Wooden Boxes to Create a Frame for Yourself
6 Ways to Build a Customized Low Profile Bed Frame
1. Build your frame from scratch with DIY instructions 2. Buy a low profile bed frame kit 3. Find a bed frame with minimalistic design 4. Create storage by using the space under your bed 5. Use pallets to build your own frame 6. Add head and foot boards to complete the look
Install an Integrated Bed Frame
If you’re feeling DIY, consider an integrated bed frame. You get the headboard and footboard all in one! These frames tend to be a little pricier than traditional headboards and footboards, but they provide an easy solution for getting the look of a low profile bed.
Use Part of Your Floor as a Base
If you have a large floor space, you can use this as part of your base for the bed. You may want to add a piece of plywood centered on the floor with casters on the bottom to make it easier to move around. You will need some wood and a drill to attach the pieces together, and you’ll need L brackets and screws to mount the headboard and footboard to each other.
Add Rails and Legs to Your Existing Mattress
If you already have a mattress and need a low profile bed frame, consider adding rails and legs to your existing mattress. You can create a frame with rails and four legs with the help of some plywood or boards. You’ll need to measure the width, length and height of your mattress to get the right dimensions and cut the wood accordingly. You’ll also want to take into account that you’ll need something sturdy to attach the rails to from which you can hang your new bed frame. I recommend using very heavy-duty screws for this step. Some people choose to nail their headboard directly onto the wall for this part, but if you are looking for an easier way, you could use a strong steel bracket screwed into the wall studs. This will allow you to adjust your headboard height as needed without having to re-drill holes in your walls! After that, it’s as simple as creating two brackets on each side of your bed frame that are at least 2 inches longer than your mattress is deep, screwing them into place on each side of the rail, attaching them together with ¼ inch bolts or nails and then hanging your bed up by fastening it onto those brackets with lag screws.
Buy or Build a Platform on its Own
Buying a pre-made low-profile bed frame is the easiest and most affordable option for your bed space. You can find low profile beds at furniture stores, home improvement stores and online. Low profile frames are also called platform beds because they lack traditional headboards and footboards. However, if you want to build the ultimate customized bed, you'll need to purchase individual boards from your local lumber yard or home improvement store. The prices will vary depending on the type of wood you choose. For example, pressure treated pine costs less than kiln-dried oak. If you want to build a platform bed with storage underneath then you'll also need to buy plywood sheets for the base of the frame. Keep in mind that all these measurements will depend on your desired size-so it's important to measure first! You may find that building a customized platform bed frame isn't as difficult as it sounds. It’s just like building anything else; all you have to do is follow directions step by step and use common sense along the way. And once it’s done, you can add your own personal touches like paint color or personalized wall art.
The easiest way to build a customized low-profile bed frame is to use wooden boxes. You can purchase the wooden box at your local hardware store, or you can find them online for a cheaper price. The planks of wood you need are usually sold by the foot and can be cut to size with a miter saw. With these materials, you will end up with all of the parts needed to assemble your bed frame. Start by assembling all the pieces on the floor, then place them on top of each other to create a sturdy, low-profile bedframe. These wooden boxes make it easy to assemble without the need for any special tools. This DIY method is perfect if you have limited budget and space in your bedroom because it doesn't require any major construction or craftsmanship skills, just some time and patience!